gascompressibility.pseudocritical.Piper ====================================================== .. autoclass:: piper.Piper :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Basic Usage ------------ ``Piper`` class object uses instance method that requires instantiation. This means you first have to initiate the object like this: >>> from gascompressibility.pseudocritical import Piper >>> >>> obj = Piper() >>> obj class object with the following calculated attributes: { Tpc: None Ppc: None J: None K: None Tr: None Pr: None } Once a class instance is instantiated, you can run methods from the instantiated object: >>> obj.calc_Pr(sg=0.7, P=2010) 3.0646766226921294 Running a method from the instantiated object updates the associated variables computed during the calculation process: >>> obj class object with the following calculated attributes: { Tpc: 371.4335560823552 Ppc: 660.6569792741872 J: 0.56221847 K: 14.450840999999999 Tr: None Pr: 3.0646766226921294 } You can access the computed variables in a form of class attributes: >>> obj.Ppc 660.6569792741872 >>> obj.Pr 3.0646766226921294 Examples -------- .. raw:: html
**Import** >>> from gascompressibility.pseudocritical import Piper **Direct calculation** >>> Piper().calc_Pr(sg=0.7, P=2000, H2S=0.07, CO2=0.1, N2=0.05) 2.7143160585360255 **Instantiaing an object and retrieving its attribute** >>> obj = Piper() >>> _ = obj.calc_Pr(sg=0.7, P=2000, H2S=0.07, CO2=0.1, N2=0.05) >>> obj.Pr 2.7143160585360255 :code:`.ps_props` **attribute to retrieve all associated calculated pseudo-critical properties** >>> obj = Piper() >>> _ = obj.calc_Pr(sg=0.7, P=2000, H2S=0.07, CO2=0.1, N2=0.05) >>> obj.ps_props {'Tpc': 359.4649612886111, 'Ppc': 742.249596786689, 'J': 0.48429121800104624, 'K': 13.194154915384328, 'Tr': None, 'Pr': 2.7143160585360255} **More examples** >>> # pseudo-critical pressure, Ppc (psia) >>> Piper().calc_Ppc(sg=0.7, N2=0.05, H2S=0.05, CO2=0.1) 730.6830493485268 >>> # pseudo-critical temperature, Tpc (°R) >>> Piper().calc_Tpc(sg=0.7, N2=0.05, H2S=0.05, CO2=0.1) 357.31032650971184 >>> # Stewart-Burkhardt-VOO parameter J, (°R/psia) >>> Piper().calc_J(sg=0.7, N2=0.05, H2S=0.05, CO2=0.1) 0.48900864311590075 >>> # Stewart-Burkhardt-VOO parameter K, (°R/psia^0.5) >>> Piper().calc_K(sg=0.7, N2=0.05, H2S=0.05, CO2=0.1) 13.218465793646919 >>> # reduced pseudo-critical pressure, Pr (dimensionless) >>> Piper().calc_Pr(P=2010, sg=0.7, N2=0.05, H2S=0.05, CO2=0.1) 2.770968892470151 >>> # reduced pseudo-critical temperature, Tr (dimensionless) >>> Piper().calc_Tr(T=75, sg=0.7, N2=0.05, H2S=0.05, CO2=0.1) 1.496374328788025 Methods -------- .. raw:: html
.. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: functions/ ~piper.Piper.calc_J ~piper.Piper.calc_K ~piper.Piper.calc_Tpc ~piper.Piper.calc_Ppc ~piper.Piper.calc_Tr ~piper.Piper.calc_Pr Attributes ----------- .. raw:: html
.. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: ~piper.Piper.T_f ~piper.Piper.T ~piper.Piper.P_g ~piper.Piper.P ~piper.Piper.H2S ~piper.Piper.CO2 ~piper.Piper.N2 ~piper.Piper.Tpc ~piper.Piper.Ppc ~piper.Piper.J ~piper.Piper.K ~piper.Piper.Tr ~piper.Piper.Pr ~piper.Piper.ps_props References ----------- .. raw:: html
.. [1] Piper, L.D., McCain Jr., W.D., and Corredor J.H.: “Compressibility Factors for Naturally Occurring Petroleum Gases,” paper SPE 26668 (1993). `(link) `__ .. disqus::